

Did you like me always chase after the family and try to keep boxes in one way or the  other since a little girl?


Some boxes have nice shapes but just not that pretty or eyecatching!


As the trendy LOHAS activities are so hot all over the world, can we try to save some energy on trying to cut thick carton so as to make cartonnage?


So why not come out an activity to make over the boxes you can find at home into something pretty?!

(樂活一詞好像太泛濫~不過這次好記就好囉!Sophie 的blog 是有格調不高調!)

(The term "LOHAS" seems to be so cleche, yet it's easy to remember, so let it be so!  My blog gets its own original style but not so unapproachable!)

[  活動內容如下 ] / What's the activity about?

盒子: 限用家裡不用的盒子來作(改造), 沒蓋的也~~~OK!  (選乾淨的  氣較好! 30cm以內的較好操作!)

Box: Have to be the existing box you can get or find at home, boxes without covers are, well....OK!

(Try to pick a clean box, chose a box within 30cm will be easier to do! ) 

(我沒試過鐵的 塑膠的 應該也可以用吧! 只要白膠黏的上去的都可以試試~木盒子效果不錯!  例如這個盒& 這一個 也是, 茶葉罐也ok!    )

(I've never tried to transform the boxes with the materials like tin or plastic, but I guess it works, as long as you can apply white glue on it! )

布: 請自備 不限風格 

Fabric: Just used what you can get. No fixed style

(要用很貴的布or 二手衣剪的都ok~高興就好! 重點是要美美的歐! 可加lace or 各式手作素材~ !)

(If you want to use very expensive fabric, you are welcome to do so, or even pieces cut from the 2nd hand clothes, it's really up to you!

The point is the outcome shall be PRETTY!! Also, you can add any handmade materials as you like! )


題材: 不限 請自由發揮

截止日期 : 2009年6月30日   (先完工可先交件! )

好康的 : 活動結束後, 版主我會抽出一名參加幸運兒, 將致贈一份關於樂活+關於手作的精美小禮物! (限完成者才算!)

參加方式 : 於此文留言喊"有" 即可!  作完請一樣留言提供文章連結 會po在此文裡面讓大家連結欣賞!

文中至少要show 出4張照片: a. 盒子本來的樣子 b.盒子蓋上的樣子 c. 盒子打開的樣子 d. 盒底

(改造沒蓋盒的朋友 show a. c. d.就好囉!)

不會做怎麼辦? : 這裡有3篇示範了改造一個盒的作法


Part I    Part II   Part III





有任何建議,問題或不清楚的地方 歡迎隨時詢問!

高手請不要嫌棄~ 生手請不要害怕(羞)~ 好啦~都來嘛!   網路無國界 so住海外的您也歡迎共襄盛舉!  

For those who live abroad, welcome to take part in this handmade activity!

心癢的不要觀望了~作就知道沒想像中的難了! (我的手作啟蒙P 都這樣跟我說! )

(沒有名額限制也不限年齡性別種族!廣告一律刪!!! 有布商要贊助好布美布or各式素材也張開雙手歡迎喔! )




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